Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Truth about Initiation

I recommend 'Serving Humanity' by Alice Bailey/Djwhal Khul for all those wondering about initiation. It explains in detail, what is needed on the path of initiation. Don't prematurely consider yourself ready for initiation.
Initiation is basically a permanent expansion of consciousness and a stabilization of what has gone before.

The first nine initiations of many, you should be concerned with are;

1. The Birth
2. The Baptism
3. The Transfiguration
4. The Renunciation
5. The Revelation
6. Decision
7. Resurrection
8. Transition
9. Refusal

These are the first nine initiations and should almost be forgotten, but we do need to know about them. Some people just think they are just teaching tools but this is not the case. We need to know about them.
For those who need to know about the first few initiations I will describe them. There is much more in 'Serving Humanity' as mentioned.
First initiation - Birth
The first initiation is the mystical experience and deals largely with the astral plane.
Second Initiation - Baptism
The second initiation marks the control of the astral or emotional body and shows the aspirant is coming to control his lower self.
Third Initiation - Transfiguration.
This is the control of the mental vehicle. It is not longer an individual matter. It is the first of the major initiations.
Forth Initiation - Crucifixion
This takes great sacrifice and suffering but reaps rich Reward. It is the control of the buddhic vehicle.

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