Thursday, April 23, 2009


Sex is a taboo subject for most people, but everyone (yes everyone) is interested in it. From the youngest person, up to the oldest. Don't think for a second that the young aren't interested in sex. I was young once and I know I was interested in it then. We will not get into the physical side of sex much in this article, but I will explain some of the more unknown things about sex and things we need to know. To start with, GOD was the one that invented sex. He did a pretty good job of it too. We all like it, and everybody seems to be doing it. Sex is very natural and God created it that way. We all enjoy it, otherwise we wouldn't do it. One thing many people lack, is the discrimination of whom to do it with. Most of the time (well all of the time) we find a suitable partner because God's Law is Absolute and like attracts like. One of the things about the sex act, is that that it is an expression of Love, in all but the most extreme cases. The common preoccupation with sex will have to change, if we are to see ourselves live up to opportunity and the New Age - the Golden Age. I am sure we can do it. Sex is a choice, even in the most extreme cases. As I said before, we must choose who we have sex with much more carefully than we have heretofore. When we have sex with someone, we are linked to them forever. Perhaps you should think about that before you do it with someone. Now we get into energy or matter transference. It is not fluid transference, that is something basic and obvious. I am talking about exchanging energies, whether good or bad, with the person you are doing it with. This can be wonderful and very life enhancing or hazardous and dangerous to your life expression and your life in general. We need to get a more Holy expression of love through sex. In the future we will not see the same expression of sex frequency. There will be a much more general love expression of sex.
Factors going into whether you should have sex with someone are many and varied, but one should consider how PURE they are, and the amount of sexual partners they have had. There is a lot more I can say on this subject, but it is unsavory. I'm sure you get the picture.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Purity is a subject most people have no idea about. Some people think it's about sex, but that's not really it. Purity is something rarely seen in people who have reached their teen years and over, though it is sometimes seen later. The purity that I am describing is something to do with thought, consciousness and energy and a whole lot more, including the physical body. Beauty is a byproduct of purity, beauty that I hope we all can appreciate.
A quote that comes to mind is, "You have to become a child to enter the Kingdom of God." Jesus was refering to Purity and Love, which he also stated. Children are wonderful, amazing creatures, and we all adore them (I hope).
Much of the spiritual path is gaining purity. Lack of purity is an obstacle to realisations of Love, Truth, Joy and bliss, and the realisations that go along with them. If we want to be pure, we have to pray, meditate, Love and Serve, be wise and discriminate (discernment). We can't expect to be pure if we go to a pub/bar all the time and drink alcohol and be uncouth. We need to live in a pure environment and watch our thoughts and actions. A person that's never had a spiritual experience, can't imagine the joy and More of what these experiences give you.
Friendliness is one of the first steps to purity. You can't be pure unless you are friendly. You know you can't be friendly with some people if they of the undesirable type. You should know your friends by the way they treat you and the experience they give you within your being. You should KNOW who your friends are.
In order to stay pure, (and friendly) you need to watch your thoughts (and actions) and don't do anything that might hurt anyone. I hope you are intelligent enough to know what that means.
Love is where the action is, so the more you Love the more pure you will be (incorporated with everything else). Love will purify your heart and make you pure. You may think it's a sacrifice to be pure - it's not - it's a joy. You may have realised you are sacrificing your own best interests, when you are not pure. It's not a dogmatic thing but an energetic thing. It starts with a pure heart and mind. If you care enough about these things, the rest will follow. Purity of the physical body is also essential. This involves a pure diet. This involves vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, nuts, and meat if desired. Milk products should be used sparingly. A vegetarian diet is probably only required for the most advanced individuals.
Once there rules are applied, Real Purity will eventually come, though the coming Lord will force everyone into purity eventually (everyone will really like it). Be ready. There is a whole lot more on this subject, but you will have to find out for your self.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Beliefs and Opinion

Beliefs and Opinions. What are they and how do you get them? Well to be honest it's all delusion. That's right, all opinions and beliefs are delusions. A Buddhist teacher once said, we do not have the right to believe what we want to believe. This is 100% True. We do not. Beliefs infringe upon the rights of others and beliefs and opionions are all delusion. People believe they can violate the rights of others because they do not act and behave the way they expect them to. There is only one Person who knows how people should behave, and that is God. Saints and Buddhas allow people to behave the way they wish. They do not try to control them. They allow people to behave as they wish and let God adjust their behaviour IF necessary. Remember God works in mysterious ways.
When we allow, and stop believing we will see our opinions as just that, opinions, and not facts at all. If we are to live according to our True Selves, Our Greater Self, we must stick with the facts. We must all learn to be increasingly factual in our speech. If we speak our beliefs and opinions, then we are not speaking the facts. The Facts are not beliefs and opinions. They are True.
Delusion is delusion, it is a wrong belief. There are less than a dozen people on this planet who are not deluded, this is changing, but we must stay alert and watch our own minds. This may come as a shock to you, or perhaps it goes right over your head. The only way to get rid of delusion is to contact the Divine and how many people do you know who have Divine Consciousness? Divinity gets rid of delusion - it annihilates it.
Facts are necessary to have a basis for Truth. Facts like reincarnation, karma, Truth and Love and the complete story regarding them.
All beliefs create problems, mostly for others, we may believe we have the right to do what we want to other people but we do not. A belief is dangerous. Do not endanger others with your beliefs. Stick to the facts. You may need to Seek in order to Find the Facts. So Seek on, my friends!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Creation and Evolution

This is the Final Word on the Creation/Evolution story. There is a bit to this story, but put simply - a little too simply - both Creation and Evolution are True.
This Universe began 65 trillion years ago. Earth and other planets were Created not long after that, in terms no mortal can understand, though time did not exist in terms people can understand. Humanity has been around longer than this Universe, approx. 650 trillion years. Adam and Eve are also a True Story, though God was trying to get it right for some time before He Created this present better-than-Perfect Universe, even though God's Perfection knows no bounds. So Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden have turned several turns of the spiral. The Big Bang was more a Creational, whirlpool/explosion/magic trick.
So now we come to Evolution. Evolution is a Force created by God - everything is created by God - to further His own Ends, which is Love. It is Love that is the Force behind Evolution, the Love that is All There Is. There are no Missing Links, these were Created by God and Extra-Terrestrials on different occasions. It may not be easy to grasp, but it is the Truth.
One thing people have difficulty grasping, is, if Creation is true, then how did Dinosaurs etc. live on Earth. The simple answer is - they didn't. It is all a trick by God, to give us something to believe. God gives us many lessons and now it's time to discard those lessons, as one big hoax. God Loves, that is why he did it. God is Love remember. God planted the fossils, with the help of other Beings to get us to think they existed. This was done for many reasons, can you understand the Infinite Mind of God?
There have been many civilisations in History, (the Trillions of Years, History) but this is the Greatest. God is Evolving to Greater Perfection all the time. God Evolves - so maybe you should think about Evolving too, through Love - then you will really cooperate with God's plan. Remember, Service is Love in Action, so Service is the Greatest way to Evolve. Godspeed!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


When many people think of auras, they think of colours that people can see or perhaps not see. Most people can not see outside their own auras, they are so self absorbed. This is definitely not colours as you may have guessed. Another term for aura is human energy field or H.E.F. The Buddha's aura was reportedly 2km wide, but I suspect that it was much larger than that. Perhaps it expanded to contain the Universe or beyond. More likely, when we know what we do about the Buddha.
From our original statement, auras are NOT the colours - THIS IS JUST YOUR MINDS (a step in the right direction, though not really necessary on most occasions) - although Kirlian photography can be pretty accurate. Auras are more the energy contained in one's aura. It can be dark, evil and crazy or it can be kind, benevolent and loving or many variations of these and more.
When we look out, do we see the world as it is, or do we see our own auras? Most people see their own auras, they are so wrapped up in themselves and do not see people or the world as it is. In order to see the world as it is, we need to use our minds. The mind is the organ of perception, not thought. The Real Man, the Soul does the thinking. It just uses the mental body for expression. In order to gain right perception, we need to equip our lower vehicles, physical, astral/emotional and mental. The emotional body must be still and calm, the physical body, pure and the mental body must contain facts on which the Ageless Wisdom can take hold and understand and express in the world. These points are very important. If we think we can see the world correctly when we have problems with our physical, astral, and mental bodies, we are crazy and deluded. We need to seriously look at ourselves/auras if we are to see the world properly. Most people are so deluded they think they see the world as it is, but they do not. Understand this. Namaste.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The One World Religion

This is what it's all about. The coming together of all the religions of the world to form one unified whole. This includes the newer teachings as well. All Great Beings use the combined wisdom of the period to gain their own wisdom and source their own teachings. Anyone who has learnt anything has followed more than one religion - this is - as I said, how the Great Beings do it.
Theosophy is one of the newer teachings we need to look at (- it has come about around 100 years ago). One of the sayings of Theosophy, is that, "There is no religion higher than Truth". This is what we need to look at when studying religion, the Truth. As Jesus said, "...the Truth shall set you free". This is what you'll find when studying the world's religions, the Truth, and it shall set you free. No stone should be left unturned. This is what Jesus meant when he said, "Seek and ye shall find". If we are not serious about looking in ALL the religions and Truth speakers, then we will never find. This should be obvious to all of you. If we believe, 'The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ', then we know that Jesus went to India, Greece, Egypt and Persia, to discover the Truth, and studied many religions to gain wisdom and power. I recommend, you make a study of that book.
SOME of the things you need to study are, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism (well, duh!), Christianity, New Age teachings including Theosophy (Yoga is part of Hinduism) and some sayings of William Blake, Henry David Thoreau, and others. Don't get too caught up on the lesser lights, study Ancient Wisdom. There are also quite a few New Age teachers to read. Teachings from Extra-Terrestrials can be quite useful for beginning your study.
Finally, I would say, trust your intuition, kill out suspicion, and don't use your head too much until you get more advanced.
As it is said, "When the student is ready the Master will appear". Peace out!