Monday, March 23, 2009


Most people have heard of Karma but have little understanding of what that means. So what does it mean? As I am sure a lot of you know Karma means 'action'. That is the literal translation of the word. For every action there is another action. This is the Law of Cause and Effect that Karma is all about and is what we mean when we say the word karma most of the time. Karma is pretty much the Law of Cause and Effect. Every action or thought we do or have has an effect. This is inescapable. The Law of Cause and Effect is Absolute and is working in just about everything we do. In fact everything that we have happen to us is a result of our Karma. We either have Good karma or bad karma. What would you rather happen to you? Good or bad. All sane people only want Good to happen to them. We live in an intelligent Creation. God's Law is Absolute. He knows just exactly what you are doing and why. So you can't cheat. In case your wondering karma is also in the Bible. It states "As you sow, so must you reap." This is stating the Law of Karma. If you do bad things they will come back to haunt you, but there is a way of nullifying or avoiding the 'negative' effects of karma. This is through Love. Love is the ruling Law of All Life, so when you align yourself with this Law, life will cooperate. Karma also effects a persons state of consciousness and their thought Source. A person's karma of this sort needs to be taken into account when Counselling them (An inner Qualification is required in order to Counsel someone, not a piece of paper).
Karma also explains why bad things happen to 'good' people. They are not really good at all and are just reaping what they have sowed in this or previous lifetimes.

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