Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The guru principle

We all need a guru if we want to be successful. A guru is one who imparts knowledge and leads one from darkness to light. What is darkness, and what is light though? Each but the most enlightened have darkness in their minds. What is the nature of this darkness? It is a lack of spiritual light, ie. insight. Obviously you can't see in the dark so you need light, and this light enables us to have insight. A guru is one who gives us insight. This is most important. In psychiatry they claim that certain individuals lack insight because their behavior is different from the norm or the average person. But is the average person really so insightful? Pablo Picasso for example was a very insightful man yet he was different from the norm, and so was da Vinci and Einstein and all the other great thinkers of both the modern era and ancient times. Mahatma Ghandi said, "Truth in a minority of one is still truth." and that is the way it is. Insight is not the possession of the majority but the minority. Obviously I am not talking about a racial minority but a minority that is even smaller than that, but which may actually be in only one person. Jesus said, "Narrow is the way that leads to salvation, and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many travel thereby." So only a very small number find salvation. And what is salvation? It is reaching God, finding true happiness. Who can reach salvation? Only by having a true guru can you attain salvation. Now many people believe that behavior is carved in stone and we have no choice about our behaviors and that everyone is destined to behave in a certain way under all circumstances. A little observation will reveal that to be untrue. Our behaviors are not carved in stone and different behaviors are not signs of mental abnormalities. Indeed to the Enlightened mind the majority of people exhibit mental abnormalities, and the people that the majority call mentally ill are healthy to the Enlightened mind. People with something to say will find a way to say it, and those who have the most to say will be our teachers. A guru is a teacher. Not a teacher like you see in classrooms and lecture halls etc. but someone qualified to teach by their own inner realization, their own insight. A true teacher will be an Enlightened guru and there is no one truly qualified to teach ANYTHING but and Enlightened guru. They are the only ones qualified. It is not merely a theory or an experience to them but a definite KNOWING. They know for sure. Part of this knowing that Enlightened ones have is omniscience, that is a complete awareness of everything, literally everything. With that comes omnipresence and omnipotence. That is just what happens. This is why you should consider the guru as God, because he indeed does have God-like powers, awareness and presence. Now, some people don't believe in God. They will have a lot of trouble in their lives and accepting a guru or even the need for a teacher is out of the question. They blindly accept the so called truth of the scientist because there is supposed to be proof of these theories. They obviously don't trust themselves or God. This is where a guru comes in. He will teach you the true love of God and that will bring trust in yourself. A guru is one that will not support your ego in any way because the ego is the enemy to your true happiness and salvation and insight. This is what leads people to think that people who behave different are mentally ill because the different behavior means they have smaller egos. The smaller the ego the more insight and healthier and more loving and kind they will be, the more intelligent they will be and the happier they will be. This is quite a profound insight is it not? Enlightenment means that the person has no ego and has achieved perfect insight into all things. They are a perfected being, a siddha. They have worked out their own salvation and are qualified to help people work out their true salvation. Mere belief is not enough. Beliefs don't get you very far and indeed are your own greatest enemy, will prevent you from achieving salvation. How does a guru teach? He will give you private instruction like a tutor and will work one on one with you, free of charge. He might even help YOU out financially. Why because the guru is only interested in your salvation not personal benefit. The guru gets spiritual benefit from helping people that is the spiritual path - you benefit by you helping others. You get the most benefit from helping your guru, even though he doesn't need your help. You serve the guru to benefit yourself, not for the guru. This may be a little hard for you to get your head around but your true nature wants to serve and by serving you become that which you are - your spiritual Self or soul. It is the path of personal and spiritual growth, the path of service - especially to the guru. Service is the path to true happiness and unification with God. This is the path of Yoga which means 'union', union with God and your true Self. I have already explained that by having less ego you will be healthier. It is Soul and Spirit that heal and this is the path of true healing - Union with Soul and Spirit. Of course you have always been connected with God and your Soul but you do not know it because of the mud on the diamond as they say, which means your samskaras or misconceptions about reality. In other words the mud on the diamond is your delusions. By clearing up your delusions you will get healthier - physically, because the body is the barometer of the Soul. The more you give the better it will be for you so the idea is the serve and keep serving and give and never stop giving. The more you put in the more you will get out of it, so give with happiness knowing that you will get great benefit out of it but also with no thought of reward. Indeed service is the only way to gain any benefit. Keep this in mind. Peace and Love to you. Peace. Om Shanti, Om Shanti.

Monday, December 23, 2013

The dual nature of life and how to be happy

Duality is a fact in nature. There is no getting around it. The duality I am talking about will set you free from the delusion of materiality and therefore suffering. The Buddha was wrong when he said that "desire is the cause of all suffering". Not having desires is the cause of all suffering. The satisfaction of desires produces health and happiness and well being. What will make you truly happy? Isn't happiness what we are all seeking? Why not seek happiness directly? The duality that I am talking about is in the realm of spirit and ego. The ultimate positive-negative light-dark struggle. The struggle between happiness and unhappiness. The light must always win, the dark negative will always lose. Doesn't it make sense to go with the light and not be a loser? God is the ultimate good guy, in fact the word ego means 'Edge God Out', so by edging God out, you are being bad and therefore a loser, you are edging happiness out, edging health out and true joy that comes when you are the side of good. I should mention the things that are good/positive and bad/negative so you get a grip on what they are. Health is good, feeling good is good, so sickness is bad and feeling bad is bad. Nobody like to be sick and feel bad so it makes sense not to do those things that make you feel sick and bad and to do those things that enhance health and make you feel good. Any thing that feels good is making you healthier and anything that makes you feel bad is making you sicker. That is just how life works. There is nothing random or chaotic about life, it all follows the Perfect Laws of God; everything is in order. If your life is chaotic it is because YOU are chaotic, you have 'edged God out'. It is not by chance that ego spells 'Edge God Out', that was also designed by God as everything is. Chaos is bad, order is good. Chaos is of the ego, order is of God, it is good. We have perfect order in the whole of Life, nothing happens by chance. You are the controller of your destiny no one else is. So let us recap; Spirit/God is good and ego/evil is bad. They don't call it the negative ego for nothing. There is NO positive ego. Ego is bad full stop. If you are in ego you will feel bad. Spirit feels good. Spirit is healthy and ego is unhealthy. Religion is good and healthy and materialism is unhealthy and bad. This is all the dualistic nature of life, there is no judgment. Judgment is bad, discernment is good. Truth is good, lies are bad. This is not judgment, it is Truth. Allowing is good/healthy, manipulation is bad/sick. Personal/spiritual growth is good, stagnation and going backwards is bad. You must cooperate with evolution if you are to feel good. Life is positive and healthy, if you are really living it. If you are sick it is because you did something that wasn't in line with evolution. That is just how it works. If you are healthy it is because you did something good and in line with the purposes of life. We could sum up the purpose of life is to be happy, which means to be good and to be healthy and to be truly spiritual. Obviously if you are truly spiritual you will be healthy and feel good as well as do good for the betterment of all life. How do you do this? Only God can, so you must do as God wishes not as your ego dictates; you must become a pure channel through which God can work. You must become an empty vessel, you must cooperate with God/Life, which is the same thing. You need to work very hard at being healthy/good/spiritual but at the same time it is the easiest thing you can do. IT is challenging but rewarding. Think what it would feel like to be a truly good person, think what it feels like to be truly healthy, to truly cooperate with life and help your fellow man. If you help others you will feel good and be healthy; if you hurt others you will feel bad and be unhealthy, ie. sick. You cooperate with life when you try to be healthy, but you will feel bad if you step off the path. Your true feelings come from the Soul/Spirit... ego has an agenda all of its own and does not think of others. Spirit/Soul is truly impersonal, but it does not neglect any one part of life or any individual, it considers the needs of all. When you feel good you are considering the needs of all, this is how it works. You need to be constantly looking with in to find you true self/your Soul. Ego is everything that causes unhappiness in self or other. Can people be truly unhappy? You tell me... are you happy? when was the last time you felt truly happy? are you healthy? are you a good person? do you listen to Spirit or ego? Each moment you have a choice between Spirit or ego, happiness or unhappiness, health or sickness, good or evil. Remember, your feelings tell you if you are doing good or bad. IF you do not know what a feeling is, you need to take a good hard look at yourself. You are happy when you are healthy, sad when you are sick, happy when you tell the truth, sad when you lie, happy when you are positive, sad when you are negative, happy when you help someone, sad when you hurt someone. Doesn't it make sense to do that which makes you happy? You can't do that which makes you happy some of the time and sometimes do that which makes you sad at other times. You are either all good and healthy or all bad and sick. There is no other way. People's psychology needs to really change if we are to see a better life for all on earth and modern psychology just doesn't do it. It doesn't teach the things that I am now teaching and therefore is inadequate. Does modern psychology make people sad or happy? If it makes you sad it is no good, it is just making you sicker and more; a worse person. If you can be truly honest you will see that it makes you sad and therefore is ineffective and dangerous. Anything that makes you sad is dangerous, that is the epitome of danger. If it makes you happy it is safe. Let's talk about sex because that is a tiny microcosm of life. Just say you feel bad about a certain body part on a person, or you feel bad about a particular sex act with a particular person. If you go ahead and perform a sex act on that body part, or do the sex act that made you feel bad, you have done something dangerous to yourself, in other words it has caused you harm, ie. caused you injury. If you do this it will make you sad, not just momentarily but potentially forever. So you can see why it is not good to do, because you want to be happy, everyone does. I am not saying "if you want to be happy, you are not", but you want to be happy, forever, whether or not you are happy now. You can certainly want to STAY happy, but that is not the right way to think. Happiness comes when you get what you want and must be continuous in each moment, or you will not be happy. I think I've said enough. Peace.