Monday, March 30, 2009

The Power of One

"A simple godly life may win ten thousand Souls to purity and Love." - Jesus, from 'The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.' This statement, completely understood by me, is the basis for this article.
With the power of one person, many more may be converted to Truth and Love. It is a simple statement, which has many repercussions. A simple godly life, will transform those around you, and radiate into the world around you also. However, there are inner and outer obstacles to this life. These must be overcome. A holy life must be found despite of obstacles. Then many may follow. You are already seeing this, in all types of New Age groups and people, yet what can YOU do More? Can you live a truly Godly life.
This looks like a good place to explain 'self', 'Self', and 'SELF'. These are vital concepts, which need to be understood, if proper concepts of spirituality are to be gained. 'self' is the lower, personal self, 'Self' is the Soul or Real Man, and 'SELF' is the Spirit or Greater Self in all which is pure Love. These things have to be grasped from within or rather using your intuition. 'self', 'Self', and 'SELF' are borrowed from a buddhist teacher, Christmas Humphries and explains the Truth perfectly, though there is always More. (The Truth of God Himself is More, but has to be experienced.)
With many people living Godly lives, there is no question, the Golden Age will be ushered in, and soon. (You are being called from your relative slumber, NOW).
Purity is the next point, with regards our initial quote, and relates to the matter aspect in your bodies - physical, astral, mental and higher. These bodies need to have matter from the higher planes. This is done through listening to your Soul and responding to that. Purity of life is required and can only be discovered by inquiry into it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

All Life is Spiritual

"All that is, exists for the sake of the soul" - Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This is a very good statement, but does not cover the full picture - 'all life is spiritual' is a better statement, though the first quote is also true. A popular quote that was going around for a while, was, "You are a spiritual being having a human experience." But this is not true - all life is spiritual.
Another quote from The Bible says that God is that, 'in which we live and move and have our being'. So if God is everywhere and interpenetrates everything, how can life be other than spiritual? It is only because of ignorance that humanity and other beings do not realise the spiritual nature of life. (There are numerous other beings besides human).
When we think about the nature of life and it's lessons, because that's what life is for most of us - one big lesson, we could realise, life is trying to get through to us. God is everywhere and is trying to get through to you His nature, which is Love and Liberation. He wants you to be Free and Happy. God works to give you these things but you fight against it, with your whole being in some cases. See Life as it is! Life is ever new and Joyful for those that embrace it, understand it and are wise.
One lesson that a lot of people need to learn is that anger is EVIL. This is one of the many lessons that life is trying to get you to understand. There are many lessons, that you need to learn, until you learn them all and achieve the purpose of life - union with God and Liberation. Those who do not know, all life is spiritual, have certainly not understood the purpose of life - to find God.
Life is ABSOLUTELY Intelligent and everything in it is guided by intelligence. This should be obvious to everyone. God's Laws are working in absolutely everything. So wake up!


Impersonality is the first step to spiritual Love ans so much More - More being things like Truth and Reality. Impersonality will lead you to Reality and Love and you need to be impersonal to find the Truth, including the Truth about yourself. The Truth is impersonal - it embraces all alike, and treats all people equally. None are favoured or disfavoured. These things are brought about by your own actions. God favours the wise, and disfavour is brought about through ignorance. It is not a personal matter. A beautiful person is beautiful. This is an impersonal Truth. Beauty is impersonal. Truth is impersonal. Opinion does not change the Truth. Opinion is NOT Truth. If we want to know the Truth we will have to give up our opinion and become impersonal. Impersonality will lead to seeing things the way they are - we need to look at our selves impersonally as well.
Impersonality is not cold heartedness but warmth. All the greatest Souls have been impersonal and seen things the way they are. Impersonality is also required for ego death and lead to seeing things in the clear cold light. This will lead to being centered in the mental body, and the Soul is accessed through the mind. If you can live centered in the mind you will see things a lot clearer. You do have a heart though. Head and Heart is the way to go. Ego death is one of the major goals of the spiritual path and the personality is the ego. Impersonality will lead to death of the ego. You can see how this works, because impersonality allows the personality - the ego - to die, so the requirement is impersonality. Impersonality - and this is important - is rejected by the world of egos, but should be embraced by the spiritual man. Detachment is closely related to impersonality and should be sought after also. We all need True Spiritual Teachings to lead us out of darkness. This is what I give you.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Ideas For A Better World

This may come as a shock to you, but I don't spend my time thinking about these teachings. I have many Ideas. I churned these Teachings out in a couple of days - spontaneously.
Here are my ideas; I have included a new idea which will revolutionize education.

New Idea.

Many or most people have recognised the need to reform our education system and I have the answer. One of the things we need is a standardised education system so everyone learns the same thing and get the same opportunities which education affords. The idea that I am proposing is to have DVD's to teach the students, with only adults to supervise if necessary and in many cases that won't be necessary. These DVD's will need to be the Perfect lessons so every one learns right, but after that, there will be no problem until humanity advances beyond the lessons included. There won't be the need for large class sizes and students can be gathered from the immediate area, ie. extremely close, think within a building complex. (I predict that living arrangements in the future, will be like university accommodation, rather than our current housing situation.) I think you get the idea. There will be more intimate classes and there so many problems will be avoided. We also don't need a huge amounts of lessons, though there should be lots of science and poetry lessons, later on, with introductions at an early stage. Lessons should be interspersed with cartoons and other TV to teach the students about our culture and other Truth they will miss not being around when they were first shown, perhaps we could do this on regular TV or cable too. Kids and everyone need the full range of experience and need to get a complete picture. They need to know, EVERYTHING. Reading and maths may need to be taught by the parents, but this shouldn't be a problem and the parents will get enjoyment and benefit out of it also. Perhaps you can see this vision. We are entering a better world and this will be part of it. Even martial arts and other things could be taught by this method for adults. I have learnt alot from TV, so others will most definitely too.

No. 1 - The Money Solution
When you think about it, money these days is just a number on a computer screen. That's all it is until you take it out the bank. So the simple solution to getting more money, is to add some zeros to you bank account. The government would really have to do this, for obvious reasons. Imagine the possibilities. We could get out of debt and be much happier, with say $100 000 - $250 000 or more. It's that easy. We could erase poverty and help poorer countries. There would be practically no crime - people would be much happier and money is a big reason for crime. There are many possibilities. I also predict that money won't be as necessary in the future and people will get by on smaller amounts having more simple needs and less of them. The Golden Age is almost upon us.
No. 2 Prison Inconvenience
When we look at the prison system it is appalling. It is an awful place and nobody really gets reformed - they come out worse. I have an Idea that will reform prisoners, reduce crime and save money and time. REDUCE prison sentencing. Prison is a way of life for these people and they do not value their lives and seemingly the lives of those they do the crime against. If they were to value their life more, they would value others' lives as well. A shorter sentence would take them away from their lifestyle and make them value their own lives and they would not want to take time from their IMPORTANT lives to go to jail. This is what shorter sentencing would do, I'm talking, I'm talking drastically reducing sentences. They would hate prison and be less likely offend or re offend. Prison is not that much a deterrent, but with shorter sentencing it would be. It would also not be an unpleasant place. For example, 10 years for murder, two years for rape. I'm not saying jail is the solution, because it ain't. The solution would come in my first suggestion and this will help.
No. 3 - Easier Space Travel.
Here is a simple solution that will revolutionize space travel. So Simple! Instead of rockets blasting off, have aeroplane type spacecraft, which can take off like aeroplanes, then have booster rockets to get out of the atmosphere. There is no need for rocket powered take offs. Some planes already travel in space to a limited degree so this would definitely work.

The Truth about Initiation

I recommend 'Serving Humanity' by Alice Bailey/Djwhal Khul for all those wondering about initiation. It explains in detail, what is needed on the path of initiation. Don't prematurely consider yourself ready for initiation.
Initiation is basically a permanent expansion of consciousness and a stabilization of what has gone before.

The first nine initiations of many, you should be concerned with are;

1. The Birth
2. The Baptism
3. The Transfiguration
4. The Renunciation
5. The Revelation
6. Decision
7. Resurrection
8. Transition
9. Refusal

These are the first nine initiations and should almost be forgotten, but we do need to know about them. Some people just think they are just teaching tools but this is not the case. We need to know about them.
For those who need to know about the first few initiations I will describe them. There is much more in 'Serving Humanity' as mentioned.
First initiation - Birth
The first initiation is the mystical experience and deals largely with the astral plane.
Second Initiation - Baptism
The second initiation marks the control of the astral or emotional body and shows the aspirant is coming to control his lower self.
Third Initiation - Transfiguration.
This is the control of the mental vehicle. It is not longer an individual matter. It is the first of the major initiations.
Forth Initiation - Crucifixion
This takes great sacrifice and suffering but reaps rich Reward. It is the control of the buddhic vehicle.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Prayer brings union with God, the Absolute. You need to pray if you are to success on your Quest to find union with God and the Absolute. A prayer is a deed of the Soul. No personality can pray. You must pray from your Soul. In fact your Soul will do the Prayer, if you put in a little effort.
All prayers are answered, so you should have no fear there. God knows your need, he is not blind or uncaring.
A prayer is joyful and should not come from personal need or want. The Soul does the praying and praying should be joyful. The Soul is Joy.
Pray as often as you feel necessary, all throughout the day if necessary - this is what makes Saints and brings favour in the sight of God. More than this you will be a changed person. You just have to give up your old (evil) ways. Prayer will purge you of your evil, if however, you are prepared to give that up. Why would you want to hold on to misery, because that's what evil is. Either give it up or burn in hell.
As the Guru Pitka said, (in 'The Love Guru') "If your happy and you know it, think again."
If you want to be Truly Happy, you will need to pray. Praying will bring you happiness. Not of the lower self but of the Soul. The Soul is the real you. You must learn to identify with the Soul in ALL.
"And that's then end of that one!"


It seems such a basic philosophy - ego death, or to die to ego/self but how rare is it to find someone who understands this and applies it. It is basic philosophy in religion, yet so unheard of, yet it is the battleground and almost the beginning and end of all spirituality. Scientology doesn't count - they're a little tricky. No point in getting into that now. They believe in developing the personality, which is important in spirituality, which is important in spirituality, but can only take you so far. Tom Cruise seems to have taken it far. Haha! Impersonality is one of the important steps in getting rid of the ego. Love is impersonal and we need to look at things in clear cold light in order to rid ourselves of the evil of self.
Now is a good time to mention how ego shows itself and what really is the ego when you are looking at it. Some of the things that ego is, are; emotions, moods, delusion, anxiety, boredom, pride and suffering. Lust is another one, though you need to make a study yourself as to what ego is.
Nirvana and samadhi cannot come when there is ego and the death of all personality attachments lead to progressive liberation from delusion and greater Light and Love.
Samadhi is just Absorption in the Absolute and should not be confounded with ego death.
Recapping, ego death is just about the major goal of religion, but you can not do it WITH you ego, which brings us to our next topic - Prayer.

All About Evil

Phew!! Evil. What a subject! I think it's time to discuss it. Evil is the disharmonious force in this thing we call Life. With out it there would be no illness, unHappiness and death, so you can see why it's eradication is important. Evil is ignorant, blind and stupid, compared to what is Good and True, like God Himself.
Buddha said "There is no evil except that which flows from the assertion of self". Self is just about the only cause of evil in the world. There is also cosmic evil, in cosmic regions. This cosmic evil effects us as well. Cosmic evil flows from the 'selfs' of cosmic beings, so it is all self.
Self is the lower self, the personality, which is debased, carnal, and of course evil. Evil tries to bend things it's way for the personal self, not knowing that the higher self or Universal Self is looking out for it. Even evil is cared for by Love. "Love thy enemies," as Jesus said. Evil beings are confused and they take pleasure in hurting another. It will even turn on itself. You can never trust an evil being, unless God is working. And God is always working. As Jesus said in 'Jesus Christ Superstar', "Any power you have comes to you from far beyond, everything is fixed and you can't change it." God knows everything. He knows all that has gone and all that is to come.
Evil is nothing to fear. As most of you are probably evil, I would be fearing what you could do to yourselves. Hahaha!
Evil is also when something holds the attention too long. So if your soup holds your attention too long, you become evil (or more evil).
Evil likes to express itself physically and emotionally, but has little effect on the mental planes and higher where Love and Spirit express from. Remember, evil sucks!

True Healing

Healing. What can I say about healing? Many people talk about Healing, some even try to do it. We'll get to the so called professionals later, but for now we'll look at True Spiritual Healing. True Spiritual Healing comes from God. Even in the case of drugs, God still does the healing. There are many things that God has supplied for this Healing and drugs are not necessary and are generally harmful. Don't completely discount them though - you never know, although the current preoccupation with drugs being the cure all is completely wrong.
Continuing on, it is always Love that does the Healing and God is Love, so you can see how that works.
If you want more Love in you life and therefore Healing you need to Serve, because Service is Love in action and SERVICE IS THE GREAT HEALER AND TEACHER. We also need to allow others to serve as they think is best, knowing that the Truth will come to them as they serve and make Soul contact. It is up to them to come to the right understanding themselves - IF in fact they ARE making a 'mistake' (as seen from your eyes). Perhaps they aren't making a 'mistake' at all. Not to say we don't help them but we need to learn, "Better a man's own dharma, than the dharma of another". Know your own dharma, and do that and leave others to shoulder their own.
Now we come to 'Healers'. Healing comes from within the hidden realms and if a Healer can do this, then all well and good, and some Healers are very effective in aligning Spirit with Soul and personality, which is what healing is all about. This last bit is very important because within it lies the Heart of Healing. Aligning Soul and personality with Spirit. This will heal anything, and this lack of alignment is the cause of every illness known to man. When the Golden Age is in full swing we will see no illness of any kind.

2012, The Golden Age and End Times Prophecies

Most people have heard something about the date 2012, but don't really know what happens after that date. I predict that there will be a King - a King of Earth, who will crowned and will lead humanity into the Golden Age.
Many people have predicted cataclysmic and siesmic events will upheave the Earth and society will be no more. This may have happened, but a Great Sage prevented it from happening. It was close to happening and even now as this is being written certain beings look to effect this event. All should be well. Rest Easy.
I should mention, the Golden Age was predicted by the ancient Mayans and 2012 is the end of their calender. The Mayans lived in Central America and were very advanced technologically. Much of their civilization has been lost. This is all you need to know about the Mayans.
More on End Times prophecies. We have already passed what is called 'The End Times' as prophesized in The Bible and the apocalypse is over. The four horsemen of the apocalypse are alive (as far as I know - they are known to me personally) but are missing in action, so to speak. Judgement Day was a bit of myth, although God has judged 'The Quick and the Dead' - the Quick being those with high vibratory rates (due to Love) and the 'Dead' are those spiritually 'dead'. The 'dead' were given a lot of chances by God but they refused to listen. God gives us all chances, though as it has been stated, "Real opportunity knocks only once". We must take our opportunities and grab life by the - you know what. Other prophecies include, the Maitreya, The Christ, and the Imam Madhi. This is the MahaAvatar, who I have mentioned before. Krishna said he would return and this same being is all of the above mentioned beings/Saviours. He is also yet to reveal Himself to the world. So Christ's return, the new Buddha, the Imam Madhi and Krishna returning are all the same being. They were always the same being. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna were all the same being and they will return (- yet to be revealed). A lot to take in, right? Don't worry.

Know Thyself

Know thyself. Many people have heard this statement, (infact it was in the movie 'The Matrix') but few have taken the time to really understand it. What does it mean? 'Know Thyself' was written above the Delphic oracle in ancient Greece and has been talked about in many a philosophy. Just an interesting sidenote, 'philosophy' comes from two words 'philo' and 'sophia' meaning 'Love' and 'Wisdom' respectively in Greek. Love and Wisdom is needed to know thyself, infact they are vital. They give 'intimacy', or as the Guru Pitka said in the movie 'The Love Guru', 'into-me-I-see'. This is what self knowledge is all about - 'into-me-I-see'. When we have self knowledge we will know ourselves better than we ever thought possible. We will know ourselves as a being of Love. We will know the unwholesome parts of ourselves, as well. This is important. If we are an a--hole, we need to know we are an a--hole. We can't keep going around and treating others mean and with disrespect. As Ben Lee said 'We are all in this together'. We are a human Family. We should carefully look at the way we treat other people. This will reveal self knowledge also, and we must always treat others with respect. Respect comes from the Heart and Soul - you feel happy when you respect others (-this is important for self knowledge). Continuing on from our previous comment, Happiness is a side 'benefit' from self knowledge. The more self knowledge you have, the Happier you will be. This brings us to another point - your Soul will send you signals by making you unhappy or depressed until you find out what your Soul wants you to do or find out.
Know Thyself is not just about knowing what's inside you, it's also energetic (meaning energy) - everyone has felt energy at some point. This is an important step in becoming psychic, which is an important step in more 'Self' knowledge - the Greater Self, this time. (You can only EXPERIENCE the Greater Self) This awareness of energy is vital in your progress.
Jesus had this awareness when He felt healing virtues come from Him when a lady touched His robes with Faith (Faith means 'Knowing') and he knew what had passed from Him.
Know Thyself - this will also reveal your delusion and craziness.
It has been said - "Once you've finished studying yourself - study yourself!" I hope this gives you food for thought.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Most people have heard of Karma but have little understanding of what that means. So what does it mean? As I am sure a lot of you know Karma means 'action'. That is the literal translation of the word. For every action there is another action. This is the Law of Cause and Effect that Karma is all about and is what we mean when we say the word karma most of the time. Karma is pretty much the Law of Cause and Effect. Every action or thought we do or have has an effect. This is inescapable. The Law of Cause and Effect is Absolute and is working in just about everything we do. In fact everything that we have happen to us is a result of our Karma. We either have Good karma or bad karma. What would you rather happen to you? Good or bad. All sane people only want Good to happen to them. We live in an intelligent Creation. God's Law is Absolute. He knows just exactly what you are doing and why. So you can't cheat. In case your wondering karma is also in the Bible. It states "As you sow, so must you reap." This is stating the Law of Karma. If you do bad things they will come back to haunt you, but there is a way of nullifying or avoiding the 'negative' effects of karma. This is through Love. Love is the ruling Law of All Life, so when you align yourself with this Law, life will cooperate. Karma also effects a persons state of consciousness and their thought Source. A person's karma of this sort needs to be taken into account when Counselling them (An inner Qualification is required in order to Counsel someone, not a piece of paper).
Karma also explains why bad things happen to 'good' people. They are not really good at all and are just reaping what they have sowed in this or previous lifetimes.

Service, what is it?

What is service? Service may be defined as the spontaneous effect of Soul contact. It is really God which does the service. Service is Love in action and God is Love so God really does the service. More than this, you need to realise that you are just a speck - nothing at all really. As it says in the Bhagavad Gita "It is the habit of fools to say this is done by me." Meaning you are not the doer of those actions but rather God does them. Love is the Law of Life and to align your will, with God who is Love you must Love and Serve. Service is Love in action. "True service is the spontaneous outflow of a loving heart and an intelligent mind. It is the result of being in the right place and staying there; it is produced by the inevitable inflow of spiritual force and not by strenuous physical plane activity; it is the effect of a man being what he truly is, a Divine Son of God and not by the studied effect of his words or deeds." - Djwhal Khul
It must be remembered that Service is Love in action, so active familiarity with the Ego or Real Man will reveal what True Service is. It is more important to live a life in line with your Soul because this is what True Service is. Don't forget to follow your true Soul calling - you might already know what that is. If this article speaks to you, you might want to read 'Serving Humanity' by Djwhal Khul/Alice Bailey.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What Is Sacrfice?

Sacrifice is something rarely seen in this day and age. You might think that people make sacrifices for their children for example or at work, but this is not the case. They are not making INNER sacrifices.
It might be of value to look at just what IS sacrifice. Sacrifice is the giving up of one thing in order to have something better. It is not a selfish thing, but a selfless thing. Selflessness is something rarely seen also. If we look at selflessness and what it is we have to look at motive. What motivates someone to act? Is it in a pure loving disinterested spirit or is it motivated by something else, like because we feel uncomfortable or we want something out of it. This is not downplaying the value of giving, if we are giving, because as the old saying goes, 'it is better to give than receive' - although just ask someone who is really in need what the value of a gift really is and they may tell you that it was life saving.
Sacrifice really is the giving up of one thing in order to attain something better. It is a Law of Life. When people understand this Law we will see a better world. Can you really do this though? In order to make this sacrifice we need to look within. Hopefully I have given you some of the tools to do this in my previous teachings. This world would not be any thing like it is today if not for the sacrifice of others. What can you give in order to make this world a better place? Unless you look within, you won't be improving it much at all, if at all. Look within that is the secret. I will explain more about sacrifice in my next article on Service. These two really do tie in together. Back to our first paragraph describing sacrifices for our children or at work in this example. When we are really sacrificing, we are sacrificing something to achieve something greater. This is the key to success. If it is not for something greater you are sacrificing your true Self and not getting something better out of it. Most sacrifices do not involve your true self and are leading you to greater Light and Love and Happiness. This is what it is all about.

What is an Avatar?

An avatar is an incarnation of God. This is the meaning of the word Avatar -'incarnation of God'.
Who were the Avatars? Jesus, Buddha and Krishna are the most well known Avatars but there are some others like Hermes Trismegistus, the Egyptian Avatar and Quetzecoatl the South American Inca God. Lao Tzu was also an Avatar - the founder of Taoism and author of the Tao Te Ching. Unfortunately we can not go into all of the Avatars because they had differing purposes and it would not be right for this knowledge to get out into the general population just yet. These Avatars came into incarnation for the specific purpose of Enlightening humanity. Obviously they did this effectively because their words live on today. Religions were started because of these Avatars and people continue to get inspiration and Light from their Teachings. However very few have applied these Teachings in their lives, because - and this is very important - it awaits another MahaAvatar to apply and GIVE these teachings to everyone so that hopefully we all can understand them. In one revealed teaching He is described as 'The One About Whom Naught Can Be Said' and 'The Silent Avatar', though how long he remains Silent remains to be seen.
The Avatars do One Thing - reveal Light to humanity and The One For Whom All Men Wait will do the same. It may be unexpected, so be ready. I know many people are now.


Integration is a very deep topic and one might ask what is integration? Integration is integrating one's knowledge and personality with the Soul to form one unified Whole. That means our knowledge can not remain theoretical but will become part of us so that it IS us and is part of our being. For true integration we need True Knowledge. What is True Knowledge? True Knowledge is Knowledge that is True. The Truth is required. Where does True Knowledge come from? Who has this True Knowledge? True Knowledge is revealed to the Seeker after Truth. Jesus and Buddha had this True Knowledge and so did Lao Tzu and Krishna and others. There are many sources of this Truth, and for the Truth to become part of out beings we need to get it from many sources. We are lucky that we are living in a time When the Truth is abundant from many sources. Do not leave a stone unturned in your search for the Truth. Finding the Truth is not enough. We must apply it in our lives. This is integration. Once we have fully integrated it in our lives, we BECOME the Truth. This may take lifetimes, but it is the purpose of our lives. There is no other Reality to live or die for. This is our Soul purpose. Some people are living their lives in preparation for aligning their will with this will - God's purpose. This is what integration is all about. I hope we know God created man in his image and God created ALL. Your purpose is in aligning your will with God's. "Thy will be done". This is done through Love, and don't we all want Love. Remember Truth is the Gateway to Love. "Thy will be done" is the key to integrating your will with His, but you need True Knowledge first. I hope that's enough of that. It may sound daunting to align your will with God's, but remember, "God is Love".

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What is Truth?

Truth. What is Truth? Truth is all around us. It is everywhere. To be Enlightened is to know the Truth. There must be a Truth. Truth is to say I am standing here and you are standing there. That is a Truth. So there must be a Truth. Truth is the Facts. To Know the Facts is to Know the Truth. Such and such is Happy, you are not Happy, that is a Truth. Most Truth will come as a shock to you. Most people are crazy and live in a crazy delusion. This is a Truth. If you are reading this you have taken the first steps to leaving that delusion behind, to leaving crazy behind. Sanity is the opposite of crazy. Sanity and insanity can not live side by side. This is another Truth. How many Truths are there? There is one, and the Truths contained in it are infinite. So you want to find the Truth? You have made a good start. Reading this will take you closer to the Truth than you ever thought possible.
One Truth we all need to know in reaching this Truth, is the Law of attraction. Like attracts like. This is a Universal Law. We attract situations, circumstances and people into our lives due to what we have in us. This is immutable - absolute, definite. There is no getting around this Law. We create everything in our lives from the smallest to the greatest thing. If we want more Love in our lives we need to be more Loving. This is an immutable and obvious fact. The Love of God is required for this as "God is Love" as Jesus said. Truth is the Gateway to Love, that is why I am telling you this now, so you find the Truth of Love. God is Love, remember that, and there is no Truth with out Love.

The Truth About Meditation

This is an enormous subject. Many books could be written on the subject and many have been, though one of the best is "Letters on Occult Meditation" by Alice Bailey/Djwhal Khul - The Tibetan.
Meditation is not just about sitting still for hours on end. Meditation is the simplest thing you can do and is also the best thing you can do. Many adherents of meditation in ancient times (mostly in India) penetrated into the mysteries of life and the human mind. This is what meditation is all about. With meditation you will eventually become a god and more. Forget about becoming THE God, that job is already taken.
As I said the mysteries of the human mind (as well as the Universal Mind) can be revealed through meditation. These mysteries will also reveal GOD to you as well. As said by many spiritual teachers before the goal of meditation is God-consciousness. The creative imagination will be needed for discovering what I am talking about - creative imagination being one of the things needed for and gained through developing God-consciousness. (Many of us do not use our creative imaginations.)
This brings us to the subject of Nirvana. Nirvana is the state of consciousness where all spiritual and worldly problems disappear and you merge with the Absolute. This should be the goal of everyone, whether monk or yogi, beginner or 'experienced'. None of us want problems and we ALL want the Absolute. This is what meditation will bring although there are other Keys needed to reach this Goal.

The Truth About Yoga

What is yoga? Practically everyone has heard of yoga, but what is it? Hatha yoga is the physical postures that most people have heard of, though what IS yoga, is given far broader range. Hopefully the reader is educated at least so far. This article is not for beginners though beginners would get benefit from it also.
Yoga means 'union'. Yoga is the method whereby one is enabled to gain union with God or the Divine. Yoga is also the hindu word for religion, so yes yoga is a religion. Most people don't realise this when they practise yoga. All religion is a method for gaining union with God. This is what religion and life is all about. The purpose of life is to find God. Yoga and religion fulfills that purpose. I trust that your misgivings about religion have been abated. Let's hope you have this in mind when practising yoga, for as it says in 'The Hatha Yoga Pradipika', "Yoga succeeds by these six: enthusiasm, openness, courage, KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH, determination and solitude."
Knowledge of truth is perhaps more important than the other five, because with it the other five will follow, and so much more. We will deal with Truth in a later article.
More on the foundations of yoga. Yoga is a method for EVOLVING you. It is a spiritual discipline. It seems many people neglect this spiritual discipline in their yoga practise. It is not a physical discipline. You should not consider it purely physical. You will get nowhere with yoga if you neglect this point. So remember it is a SPIRITUAL discipline.

Friday, March 20, 2009

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New posts on yoga and meditation coming soon.