Sunday, August 9, 2009

Seeking the Truth

"Seek and ye shall find," as our old friend said, has been heard by many an ear, but as yet little has been done about it. We need to know HOW to find the Truth and as most people do knot know how to do it I will explain. The seeking that is being explained is of the spiritual sort, but can be applied to virtually any aspect of out lives. "Seek and ye shall find." It bares repeating, for it can never be said too many times. As far as seeking spiritual Truth, it never ends. So where to seek? The easy answer is everywhere. You need to look in books, in groups around the place, in the place where you live and with everyone you come into contact with. You need to seek out teachers and people who can aid you in your quest. The very act of seeking, sets forces in motion, which will greet and aid the seeker in his quest. Be prepared, you may be in for a shock. Once again be prepared. Seeking will develop the intuition and also purify your consciousness, so it is a vital step on the Path. It will never end. Even in popular culture, it is said, "If we didn't seek, we wouldn't find." So seeking is vital. Seeking almost always begins in the external world, you obviously haven't got the answers within you yet, though all you questions are ultimately answered from within. People need to learn to listen more to their inner guidance - which thought to think, which book to read, which person to see, what thing to say, etc. etc. in every aspect of their lives. Once this guidance is listened to there will be no mistakes. So seeking within is vital. No one comes to the Fathers Kingdom unless he seeks it out, this is guaranteed. So seek on my friends, and never stop. And don't forget to look within and without for the answers.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Principles. Principles are facts on which to base our extended knowledge on in order to have a basis for Wisdom. We can not escape the fact that we need principles in order to grow and develop, scientifically, spiritually, physically etc. Without these principles there would be no growth, there would be no evolution. That is not to say that evolution would not happen without them, but these principles that we must know and use are the principles of Love, Truth. In some respect Evolution itself happens out of these principles, though what is really happening is these principles are part of the evolutionary process. These principles are used to EVOLVE, us and the universe. There is no escaping it. So in order to Evolve, we must use principles. Principles that God Himself uses, we must also use. Then we can unite with God, who is Love, and all that is. So in order to unite with God, we must Love - and service is Love in action. Service will ultimately unite us with Love, with God, and we will ultimately become gods ourselves. We must speak in principles and use principles in out thinking, in order to unite with God, that Great Principle. There are many, many principles on the Path, all to unite us with Love, with God. We need to know them and understand them and be 100% accurate in their usage. There is no getting around this.
It may be obvious to you that using principles will increase mental polarisation and aid in contact with the Soul, the real you, so it is invaluable. This is definitely a step forward from the emotional and physical polarisation, which is demonstrated by many, or most today. Principles will also help in mental clarity and everyone needs this clarity - you can not do with out it. The development of the mind is a vital necessity. So fill your mind with principles, and use them for the rest of your days, and all will be well.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Two Kingdoms

"My Kingdom is not of this world," is what Jesus said, but oh-so-few have really understood it's meaning. Jesus did not mean some far away place, in some some distant land, that we go to when we die or anything like that. Jesus also said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within." So the Kingdom of Heaven is within, yet not of this world. The Kingdom of Heaven is the Divine Kingdom, which is WITHIN us and everywhere at the same time. In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said, "... look under a rock and it is there." So IT, the Divine Kingdom is there and everywhere. The Divine Kingdom, or the Kingdom not of this world, is God's Kingdom, it is spiritual, it is Divine and it is everywhere. It actually IS God, because as it says in the Bible God is "...that in which we live and move and have our being." So we live in God - yet who is really aware of this? It seems we should be, and this unity with God is actually the Goal of life, as stated in many of my other articles. In order to find this Divine Kingdom which Jesus spoke about, we need to look within. This is what so many, saints, sages and Gurus have told us, yet how many have actually looked within? This other KIngdom is is the world of Love and meaning, and I hope we all want Love and meaning. If we enter this kingdom, it is actually possible to see it with out eyes - yet it is not physical - it is the Light of Love Divine, the Spirit. You can actually SEE the Light in the external world, which shows that God, the Spirit is everywhere and everything, though there is always More. The Beauty of this experience is profound, though EXPERIENCE, should not be the goal, though what good is all our knowledge of God, if we don't experience Him in His fullness.
The OTHER kingdom, the "Fallen" kingdom, the world that many people experience, is that which PERCEIVES it's separation from God, the All That Is. It is only perception because God is everywhere. We shouldn't focus on this kingdom as we do not want suffering and separation, which is the lot of all those separate from God. God is Love, after all, Love Divine.
So there are two Kingdoms, the Divine Kingdom, or the Kingdom of God and the "Fallen" kingdom - that which is "separate" from God, and the Goal of unity with God, is the Goal of Life. Hopefully this article will introduce you to the Divine Kingdom.

Right Speech

Rarely do we see/hear anyone use right speech - yet The Buddha spoke of it in his 8 Right ways of living. It is actually one of the most vital ways of coming to greater understanding, helping others and the world and of course ourselves, which (the latter) should not really be the goal of any endeavor, for, "We most truly help ourselves, when we help others." If we want to help ourselves we must help others and this is what will happen if we use right speech. We MUST use right MOTIVE, however. A study of motive is crucial in everything we do. To arrive at pure motive is to arrive at pure Love. We must always do our best in everything, and this includes speaking rightly. Right speech is invaluable to our own development and we need to have right speech if we are to usher in the New World. In order to have right speech, we must speak the Truth - this means all the time, obviously. It also requires honesty. There is a close relation between honesty and being (true to) yourself. If more people were honest, we would have more people being true to themselves. This is of course vital. The Truth is within, and you will obviously need to look within to discover the Truth. Honesty is invaluable in this, so we must speak honestly and speak the Truth. This is what right speech is all about. True Knowledge is part of speaking the Truth, because it is the this True Knowledge, that is the Truth, although the Truth is not simply knowledge, though you WILL have to look within to find it. If you look within, you will find the Truth, but you may have to look in the external world as a result of this. Looking within will reveal this to you. Speaking factually will effect your consciousness profoundly in a positive way, so it obviously makes sense to do it. Sharing the Truth with others, will flow from knowing the the Truth and knowing the Truth will come from sharing the Truth with others as it is stated in my article, 'The Path'. Honesty and Truth are vital if we are to enter the New World.