Sunday, March 29, 2009

All Life is Spiritual

"All that is, exists for the sake of the soul" - Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This is a very good statement, but does not cover the full picture - 'all life is spiritual' is a better statement, though the first quote is also true. A popular quote that was going around for a while, was, "You are a spiritual being having a human experience." But this is not true - all life is spiritual.
Another quote from The Bible says that God is that, 'in which we live and move and have our being'. So if God is everywhere and interpenetrates everything, how can life be other than spiritual? It is only because of ignorance that humanity and other beings do not realise the spiritual nature of life. (There are numerous other beings besides human).
When we think about the nature of life and it's lessons, because that's what life is for most of us - one big lesson, we could realise, life is trying to get through to us. God is everywhere and is trying to get through to you His nature, which is Love and Liberation. He wants you to be Free and Happy. God works to give you these things but you fight against it, with your whole being in some cases. See Life as it is! Life is ever new and Joyful for those that embrace it, understand it and are wise.
One lesson that a lot of people need to learn is that anger is EVIL. This is one of the many lessons that life is trying to get you to understand. There are many lessons, that you need to learn, until you learn them all and achieve the purpose of life - union with God and Liberation. Those who do not know, all life is spiritual, have certainly not understood the purpose of life - to find God.
Life is ABSOLUTELY Intelligent and everything in it is guided by intelligence. This should be obvious to everyone. God's Laws are working in absolutely everything. So wake up!

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