Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Two Kingdoms

"My Kingdom is not of this world," is what Jesus said, but oh-so-few have really understood it's meaning. Jesus did not mean some far away place, in some some distant land, that we go to when we die or anything like that. Jesus also said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within." So the Kingdom of Heaven is within, yet not of this world. The Kingdom of Heaven is the Divine Kingdom, which is WITHIN us and everywhere at the same time. In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said, "... look under a rock and it is there." So IT, the Divine Kingdom is there and everywhere. The Divine Kingdom, or the Kingdom not of this world, is God's Kingdom, it is spiritual, it is Divine and it is everywhere. It actually IS God, because as it says in the Bible God is "...that in which we live and move and have our being." So we live in God - yet who is really aware of this? It seems we should be, and this unity with God is actually the Goal of life, as stated in many of my other articles. In order to find this Divine Kingdom which Jesus spoke about, we need to look within. This is what so many, saints, sages and Gurus have told us, yet how many have actually looked within? This other KIngdom is is the world of Love and meaning, and I hope we all want Love and meaning. If we enter this kingdom, it is actually possible to see it with out eyes - yet it is not physical - it is the Light of Love Divine, the Spirit. You can actually SEE the Light in the external world, which shows that God, the Spirit is everywhere and everything, though there is always More. The Beauty of this experience is profound, though EXPERIENCE, should not be the goal, though what good is all our knowledge of God, if we don't experience Him in His fullness.
The OTHER kingdom, the "Fallen" kingdom, the world that many people experience, is that which PERCEIVES it's separation from God, the All That Is. It is only perception because God is everywhere. We shouldn't focus on this kingdom as we do not want suffering and separation, which is the lot of all those separate from God. God is Love, after all, Love Divine.
So there are two Kingdoms, the Divine Kingdom, or the Kingdom of God and the "Fallen" kingdom - that which is "separate" from God, and the Goal of unity with God, is the Goal of Life. Hopefully this article will introduce you to the Divine Kingdom.

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