Saturday, August 8, 2009


Principles. Principles are facts on which to base our extended knowledge on in order to have a basis for Wisdom. We can not escape the fact that we need principles in order to grow and develop, scientifically, spiritually, physically etc. Without these principles there would be no growth, there would be no evolution. That is not to say that evolution would not happen without them, but these principles that we must know and use are the principles of Love, Truth. In some respect Evolution itself happens out of these principles, though what is really happening is these principles are part of the evolutionary process. These principles are used to EVOLVE, us and the universe. There is no escaping it. So in order to Evolve, we must use principles. Principles that God Himself uses, we must also use. Then we can unite with God, who is Love, and all that is. So in order to unite with God, we must Love - and service is Love in action. Service will ultimately unite us with Love, with God, and we will ultimately become gods ourselves. We must speak in principles and use principles in out thinking, in order to unite with God, that Great Principle. There are many, many principles on the Path, all to unite us with Love, with God. We need to know them and understand them and be 100% accurate in their usage. There is no getting around this.
It may be obvious to you that using principles will increase mental polarisation and aid in contact with the Soul, the real you, so it is invaluable. This is definitely a step forward from the emotional and physical polarisation, which is demonstrated by many, or most today. Principles will also help in mental clarity and everyone needs this clarity - you can not do with out it. The development of the mind is a vital necessity. So fill your mind with principles, and use them for the rest of your days, and all will be well.

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