Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Purity is a subject most people have no idea about. Some people think it's about sex, but that's not really it. Purity is something rarely seen in people who have reached their teen years and over, though it is sometimes seen later. The purity that I am describing is something to do with thought, consciousness and energy and a whole lot more, including the physical body. Beauty is a byproduct of purity, beauty that I hope we all can appreciate.
A quote that comes to mind is, "You have to become a child to enter the Kingdom of God." Jesus was refering to Purity and Love, which he also stated. Children are wonderful, amazing creatures, and we all adore them (I hope).
Much of the spiritual path is gaining purity. Lack of purity is an obstacle to realisations of Love, Truth, Joy and bliss, and the realisations that go along with them. If we want to be pure, we have to pray, meditate, Love and Serve, be wise and discriminate (discernment). We can't expect to be pure if we go to a pub/bar all the time and drink alcohol and be uncouth. We need to live in a pure environment and watch our thoughts and actions. A person that's never had a spiritual experience, can't imagine the joy and More of what these experiences give you.
Friendliness is one of the first steps to purity. You can't be pure unless you are friendly. You know you can't be friendly with some people if they of the undesirable type. You should know your friends by the way they treat you and the experience they give you within your being. You should KNOW who your friends are.
In order to stay pure, (and friendly) you need to watch your thoughts (and actions) and don't do anything that might hurt anyone. I hope you are intelligent enough to know what that means.
Love is where the action is, so the more you Love the more pure you will be (incorporated with everything else). Love will purify your heart and make you pure. You may think it's a sacrifice to be pure - it's not - it's a joy. You may have realised you are sacrificing your own best interests, when you are not pure. It's not a dogmatic thing but an energetic thing. It starts with a pure heart and mind. If you care enough about these things, the rest will follow. Purity of the physical body is also essential. This involves a pure diet. This involves vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, nuts, and meat if desired. Milk products should be used sparingly. A vegetarian diet is probably only required for the most advanced individuals.
Once there rules are applied, Real Purity will eventually come, though the coming Lord will force everyone into purity eventually (everyone will really like it). Be ready. There is a whole lot more on this subject, but you will have to find out for your self.

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